HEAVEN an unexpected journey

Testimony stories are powerful. I got introduced to Jim Woodford when he shared his journey of going to heaven at a local church. Our paths have recently crossed again. We talked about his book, and the impact it’s having around the world. God knows I love pleasant surprises. Jim Woodford blessed me with a signed copy of his book. I’ve heard the story, and looked forward to reading more about it in his book.

Forward, Introduction and Chapter One captured my attention. I enjoyed reading about Jim Woodford’s childhood years growing up in Newfoudland, Canada, where his love for flying began. Yes; he traveled around the world, seeing the most exotic places or so he thought, until he arrived in heaven!

Jim Woodford lived a blessed life until he was diagnosed with the rare disease, Guillian-Barre. He life quickly spiraled out of control to the degree he couldn’t wash his own face. Excruciating pain racked his body and filled his mind with hopelessness. Yet; he admits he never once called out to God for help. God was not on his mind even during his darkest of days. Gracious God; however, had Jim on His mind.

Can you imagine being poised between heaven and hell? This is where Jim Woodford found himself. Hell is real place and Jim didn’t want to go there. He called out, “God help me!” and immediately three angels appeared. Truly magnificent beings. Jim Woodford does a phenomenal job in sharing his experience of walking with the angels, and the beauty of heaven. A place hard to describe with mere earthly words.

The chapter titled The Sticky Love Of God, Jim reminds readers of God’s great love for His children. That God is aware of every moment of our entire lives, and that His love never ends.

In the section Contrails of Prayer, Jim writes, “Our faithful petitions to God paint the vault of Heaven as contrails of prayer coming up before God as we pray.” The Bible says, when believing people pray, great things happen.

The City of Heaven chapter was a delight to read. Being an airline pilot, Jim viewed countless aerial views of cities, but none compares to seeing heaven. An angel provided Jim with a virtual tour and answered his numerous questions. Why was there a Hall of Healing, and a Nursery in heaven? He also shared about the Citizens of Heaven that included furry inhabitants. Yes; God’s Light and Love fills this amazing city!

Can you imagine seeing Jesus face-to-face, spend time with Him, only to be told, “James, son…this is not your time.” How disappointing this was for Jim. Then, he was given an assignment. Go back and tell your brothers and sisters of the wonders we have shown you. Jim didn’t want to come back. Who could blame him?

Chapter 9 takes readers on the journey from heaven back to earth. Imagine the surprise for the doctors and nurses to discover Jim was indeed alive after being unconscious for 11 hours. And his wife, Lorraine, for her to hear Jim say, “Lorraine, i was in Heaven…I saw Jesus…Jesus had horses!”

What a dramatic change for Jim. The warmth of heaven gone. He was back on earth, in terrible shape, and seriously ill. Now what?

In The View This Side of Heaven, Lorraine Woodford shares her side of this amazing story. She was a woman of faith, and prayed often for her husband who prior to going to heaven, was not a deeply spiritual person. She shares that when Jim didn’t return home, she and five members of her family joined hands and prayed, not knowing what Jim was experiencing at that moment. Little did she know, God had a greater plan for Jim, that would changes their lives for the better.

Chapter 11 – An Exchange of Yokes – Jim realizes how close he came to falling into the crevasse of Hell and eternal destruction. But he didn’t; God’s grace and mercy spared him. Six words changed his life forever – “God forgive me – God help me.” In Heaven, he learned about the heart of God Himself. That God is constant, and a true Friend. That God is the God of the Impossible, the God of now, and so much more.

Jim’s personal experience in heaven with the angels and his encounter with Jesus forever changed how he saw himself, others, and life in general. The emptiness he previously felt inside was gone. A life of darkness was exchanged for one of Light. He saw firsthand the love of Jesus, and desires to finish out his days on earth sharing that love with a lonesome and weary world. This book is helping do just that!

The book ends with It’s Not Too Late written by Dr. Thom Gardner. He reminds readers that God’s grace is available to all who call on His name. Jim was not serving the Lord when he cried to God for help, and this book is a testimony on how God answered his prayer.

I recommend this book as it gives hope and encouragement to those that read it.

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