Why We Gather On Good Friday

Churches around the world hold a special service on Good Friday. A time to gather together to commemorate the significance of Jesus’ death on the cross, and show gratitude for the sacrifice He made on this day. Tears flowed freely by those who saw, The Passion Of The Christ, where scenes and sets were created … Read more

The Lord’s Gift Of Today

When we woke up this morning, the Lord gave us the gift of today. We must be grateful for it; not everyone received it. What does the Bible say about “today”?  In Matthew 6:34, Jesus said, “Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its … Read more

Pray For Our Leaders And Nation

We see and hear through media, world events setting the stage for Jesus’ return. Believers around the world must pray on behalf of their leaders and nation. Some may question what God is doing, don’t lose heart. Keep the faith, God is pouring out His Spirit in the land. He’s making His tremendous power available … Read more

God Blesses The Righteous With Favor

Many people use the word grace without knowing what it fully means. Grace is unconditional favor. Born again believers are saved by grace through faith, and will enter heaven upon death. But there’s more. Saved means “to be delivered, protected, healed, and made sound and whole.” No matter what kind of trials or troubles we … Read more

Speak The Word Of God Over Yourself

We can be our own worst critic at times, believing and saying things about ourselves that simply are not true. God’s success formula for our lives begins by believing and speaking His Word. There’s Scriptures we can speak and declare over ourselves. I’ve provided several. Say them out loud so you can hear them coming … Read more