Forgiveness Will Set Us Free

Forgiveness will set us free from the pain and hurts caused by others. Sadly, many choose not to forgive, believing it’s not possible. When tormenting memories surface of what was said or done, fuel is added to the fire of anger and resentment towards those whom wronged them. Eventually their own health deteriorates from not being … Read more

Deliverance IS Possible with God

God is able and willing to deliver anyone desiring to be free from life-controlling addictions and behaviors. Many are unaware evil spirits fuel their minds with dangerous and unhealthy solutions to their problems. Yes, demons do exist and cause great havoc when given the opportunity. Satan doesn’t want people to be free, and will use every trick … Read more

We Are Never Alone

We may experience times in our lives where we feel abandoned or alone. You could be in one right now. Perhaps it was in childhood from the loss of a parent through death or divorce; after the end of a friendship you held dear; or during your marriage when your spouse was seldom home because work … Read more

Where Does Hope Come From?

The Bible teaches, faith comes by hearing and hearing by the Word of God, and faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen. So where does hope come from? Hope like faith, comes from and by the Word of God. The Bible is filled with over 7000 promises from … Read more

Welcome and Introduction

A warm welcome and thank you is extended for visiting my blog. People need hope and encouragement in their lives. I pray that the words you read throughout my God Inspired blog posts gives you both.  The Bible contains over 7000 promises. You’ll find these promises throughout my God Said, “I WILL” Promise Book to be released in … Read more