Deliverance IS Possible with God

God is able and willing to deliver anyone desiring to be free from life-controlling addictions and behaviors. Many are unaware evil spirits fuel their minds with dangerous and unhealthy solutions to their problems. Yes, demons do exist and cause great havoc when given the opportunity. Satan doesn’t want people to be free, and will use every trick imaginable to keep them in bondage.

Hope is available for those in need of deliverance. God is able to deliver anyone with a sincere heart to change. Countless testimony stories are shared by people whom never thought it possible to receive deliverance. They found out for themselves, with God all things are possible.

One man told his wife he wouldn’t drink again, if only the Lord would take his 30+ years of alcohol addiction away from him. She desired deliverance for her husband and boldly replied, He will never take it from you. You have to GIVE it to Him.” 

He finally had enough. One evening in church, he went to the altar and handed his addiction problem over to Jesus. He left the service a changed man, with no cravings or desire to drink ever again. The Lord is no respecter of persons, He will deliver anyone that calls on Him for deliverance from life-controlling addictions and behaviors.  

Thank you Lord for providing deliverance from life-controlling addictions and behaviors. Help the ones struggling on their own. Put someone in their path to encourage them, by sharing the hope and help always available through You.

4 thoughts on “Deliverance IS Possible with God”

    • I love you too, Adam, and I’m trusting God, the plans He has for you WILL come in pass in His time and way.
      Love & Blessings,
      Auntie Anne-Marie

    • Your comment is greatly appreciated. Yes, the Lord is faithful. As you say, God will delver, if we allow Him into our heart,
      and hand the problem over to Him. We do our part, God will do His. Praise the Lord!


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