Older Women Are Instructed To Teach The Younger Women

It’s amazing what one will find within the pages of the Bible. Titus 2, verses 3-5, gives instructions on what older women are to teach to younger women.

I’m an older Christian woman, these verses are speaking to me. I chose the New Century Version translation. Let’s read what it says:   

In the same way, teach older women to be holy in their behavior, not speaking against others or enslaved to too much wine, but teaching what is good. Then they can teach the young women to love their husbands, to love their children, to be wise and pure, to be good workers at home, to be kind, and to yield to their husbands. Then no one will be able to criticize the teaching God gave us.

Will the younger women be receptive to what I have to share with them? Hopefully so; yet it is possible that some may not be receptive to what is instructed in Titus 2, especially if they believe the ways of the Bible are old-fashioned and not applicable to today. Yet; nothing could be further from the truth. God’s Word is timeless. It never changes.

I’ll start with the obvious.

Love their Husbands – I would encourage young wives to love their husbands even during times when it’s difficult to do so. I would encourage them to remember what drew them together in the first place. I would encourage them to focus on the good qualities in their mate. And emphasize wives have flaws and faults too that husband are encouraged to overlook as well. None of us are perfect nor will ever be!

Love their Children – I would encourage young mother to nurture her children, so they know Mom is always there for them. Even when she doesn’t approve of their behaviour, her love for them is constant. It never changes.   

Be Wise – Some translations use “be self-controlled or sober minded”. I would encourage younger women to not be impulsive, nor jump to conclusions. Instead, be wise. To be mindful of their actions, their thoughts, and emotions. Satan is very cunning. He will look for ways to lead them astray and into sin.   

Be Pure – Regardless of age, women are encouraged to honor and glorify God in all areas of their lives. One way is through choice of clothing. The Bible speaks of women adoring themselves with proper clothing, modest and discreet. It’s obvious that showing a lot of skin doesn’t fit into this category. I would encourage younger women to choose clothing that show they respect God and themselves. And to remember, God sees their inner-beauty; that’s what is precious in His sight.

Be Good Workers At Home – I would encourage younger women to take pride in their homes. The size of the home is not what’s important. It’s the love, peace, and joy found within by those whom enter it. Having a home that is neat and tidy takes effort but so worth it. I would encourage younger women to be prepared, by having a well-stocked kitchen. To have items on hand to throw a meal together when time is short. And to find joy in cooking simple meals at home for the family to enjoy.  

Be Kind – I would encourage the younger women to be kind. A good place to start is at home with their own family members. And to be aware of the needs of others, and do something to help. Acts of kindness never go unnoticed by God.  

Yield To Their Own Husbands – I realize this ridiculed by many in today’s society. Another translation of I Peter 3:1 says women are to submit to their husbands. Why is this important? When women yield to their own husbands, they are showing they have respect for them. The Bible says the husband is to be the head of their household, and the wife his helpmate. God gave these distinct roles to husbands and wives. I would encourage young women to allow their husband to be the head of their household. He will appreciate having a helpmate that yields to him, because she trusts and respects the decisions he makes for the family. God will help the husband and wife fulfill the roles He destined them to have. All they have to do is ask Him.

I pray this post gives you food for thought in how you can encourage the younger women in your life. Encouragement is such a blessing. I’m so thankful for the older women who shared their wisdom with me.  When we know better – we do better!

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