God’s Divine Purpose For Our Money

Did you know there’s over 2000 Scripture verses in the Bible pertaining to money? Why would be that be so? I believe God wants us to have a good understanding of money and what we’re to do with it. He’s given us a blueprint on how to build a rock-solid foundation regarding money. He has a divine purpose for our money and how we handle it.

Jesus taught His disciples by telling stories in parables, and 40% of them pertain to money. Yes; money is a commodity – we earn it, save it, give it, and spent it during the course of our lifetimes.

Jesus gave a warning, “For where your treasure is, your heart will be also.” Does this mean money is evil? No, but Jesus is warning us, the love of money is the cause for all sorts of evil.

Why is that so? Greed creeps in – by never having enough money. People work themselves to death to gain more wealth while neglecting their family.

My stepfather was a hard worker and sometimes felt it necessary to work two jobs to support our family. He told my mother, “I’m doing this for you.” Her reply, “I’d rather you be home more.” To Mom, money was not everything, she loved her husband more, and missed him when he was not home.

More money doesn’t guarantee greater success and happiness. Lots of rich people are downright miserable. What about corrupt leaders? Many combine money and power to keep people poor and oppressed. And in the times we live in, we see this more and more.

We must never forget. God owns the world and everything in it, including our money. He is our Source, and a generous Father. We become stewards of what is rightfully His, and He gives us the amount of money we’re able to handle. If managed well, He’ll give us more. God is never greedy nor should we be. He gives us ample opportunities to support the work of His kingdom. For starters, we have our local churches along with other ministries spreading the gospel around the world. He loves it when we give from our hearts to those in need. We don’t have to look far to find them, they’re all around us. Regardless of the amount, a financial blessing could be an answer to someone’s prayer.

Thank you Lord for the teaching You provide regarding money. We thank You for allowing us to be stewards of what is rightfully Yours. What a blessing to discover Your divine purpose for our money and how we’re to handle it. Thank you for the financial resources You continually place in our care. Amen

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