God Blesses The Righteous With Favor

Many people use the word grace without knowing what it fully means. Grace is unconditional favor. Born again believers are saved by grace through faith, and will enter heaven upon death. But there’s more. Saved means “to be delivered, protected, healed, and made sound and whole.”

No matter what kind of trials or troubles we may find ourselves in, God’s grace is strong enough to get us through. And we tap into His grace by faith. To keep faith levels high, we deposit Scripture promises that apply to our situation in our heart, then speak them out loud. We must believe what we say, and act on it. Remember; God’s grace is stronger than anything satan tries to come against us with. The situation may even seen hopeless at the time. God’s power excels in those situations. His grace is without limit, and His favor will bring us back on top.

Be bold and say, “I’m a born-again child of Almighty God. He blesses me for I am righteous, His favor surrounds me like a shield. I’m protected on every side. No matter what comes against me; I will stand on God’s Word that says I’ll come out triumphantly by the grace of God.

Thank you Lord for the grace and favor You bestow upon me. Amen

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